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Our Lady of the Angels (OLA) School Fire, December 1, 1958

"The Fire That Will Not Die"
Image of the book The Fire That Will Not Die by Michele McBride
by Michele McBride
Published: 1979
Publisher: ETC Publications
    Palm Springs, CA 92262
    ISBN: 0882800663 (orig)
    ISBN: 088280152X (reissue)
NOW AVAILABLE from the publisher, ETC Publications

$19.95 + $4.00 S&H (California residents add $1.55 sales tax)

700 East Vereda Sur, Palm Springs, CA 92262

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This revised 2004 edition (which includes Ms. McBride's obituary) has been reissued by the publisher as a result of constant inquiries and requests over the years since first published. This notice is from the publisher, Richard W. Hostrop.
From the book jacket
About The Book
The Fire That Will Not Die is a moving personal account of the disasterous fire at Our Lady of the Angels School in Chicago on December 1, 1958 that claimed the lives of 92 students and 3 nuns.

It is the story of the fire itself and the aftermath as it affected the author and the community around the school.

This is a story of horror, panic, anger, depression and finally the recovery of the author from the severe physical and pshchological problems she suffered. The reader will experience a massive disaster from the inside through the eyes of one who experience a fiery hell.

About The Author
Michele McBride was thirteen years old when the fire struck the Our Lady of the Angels School in Chicago on December 1, 1958.

When her body caught on fire she jumped from the second story window of her eighth grade classroom.

Michele spent four and one-half months in St. Anne's Hospital where a dedicated group of professionals, family and friends "coached" her toward recovery.

In recent years Ms. McBride has worked to establish the Phoenix Program -- a rehabilitation program for post burns and their families. Her dream is to see centers across the country where post burn victims hay be helped to cope with the many problems that confront them daily.

Webmaster's Footnote
Michele McBride passed away on July 4, 2001.